Saxophone & Flute Player / Producer

1992年、日本人の父と香港人の母の間に生まれる。洗足学園音楽大学ジャズコースを卒業。 大学在学時からプロとして活動を開始し在学中,菊地成孔主催「HOT HOUSE ALTO SAXOPHONE BATTLE (2013)」にて優勝。卒業後はジャズプレイヤーの傍ら, 多国籍バンドALIに所属し人気テレビアニメ『BEASTARS』OP主題歌/『呪術廻戦』ED主題歌のタイアップ,プロ・バスケットボール・リーグ”B.LEAGUE”の年間公式テーマソングに楽曲が抜擢。

現在までに加藤ミリヤ, いきものがかり, R指定, キタニタツヤ, ぼくのりりっくのぼうよみ, AKLO, DOS MONOS, GOMESS, リベラルa.k.a岩間俊樹, 高岩遼, SARM等のアーティストと共演,作品に参加。様々なジャンルに適応した上でオリジナリティーを魅せるプレイスタイルで共演者からの信頼は厚く,楽曲提供も精力的に行っており特出すべきパワフル且つインテリジェンスなブラスアレンジは多方面から要請があり誰もが一度は耳にしているだろう。

自身のルーツである香港ミュージシャンと親交が深く, 臺北爵士音樂節(Taipei Jazz Festival)などアジア圏でも演奏活動を行っている。2017年,Motion Blue YOKOHAMAで産声をあげたリーダープロジェクトではボーカリスト/ラッパーへの楽曲プロデュース,ダンサブルなジャズをベースにしたインストゥルメンタル楽曲のプロデュースなど新たな活動領域にも果敢に挑戦している。



Yu Hagiwara was born to parents from Hong Kong and Japan. The two different cultures have heavily influenced his music and artistry. Yu attended and graduated from the jazz course at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music. While attending university he began working professionally and upon graduation joined the band ALI alongside other jazz musicians.
Yu has experience over a broad scope of fields and genres.

Yu composed, arranged, and recorded the saxophone for the theme song “Wild Side” for the TV anime “BEASTARS”

He also arranged and recorded the saxophone for the ending theme “LOST IN PARADISE (feat.aklo)” for the TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” The song became famous worldwide when major-leaguer Shohei Ohtani used it as entrance song.

Yu created the brass arrangements and saxophone recordings for “B.LEAGUE” 2020 – 2021 official theme song “FIGHT DUB CLUB (feat.j-rexx & RUEED)”
Miliyah Kato “Honnou”

He created the brass arrangements, recordings, and MVs for “Ghost!?” by Tatsuya Kitani.

Yu participated in the recording of the theme song Ikimonogakari “BAKU” from the TV anime “Boruto: Naruto NEXT GENERATIONS”.

In 2020, he appeared in THE FIRST TAKE FES.

Yu performed as a solo artist in “Trying (feat. Chloe Kibble)” was released in March of 2022.

He also participated in Kaela Kimura’s Billboard Tour “KAELAB” Billboard Live 2022, and was also in charge of the brass arrangements.

Yu’s currently streaming works include…
Mini Album “SONG BOOKS VOL.1 ROOTS OF MUZIK” released in July 2022.

Yu is known not only as a saxophone player but also as a composer, arranger, and producer.
He is proficient in various genres from jazz to pop music, and has also recently been focusing on solo activities throughout Japan. In addition to his work in Japan, Yu also participates in exchanges with various musicians from Hong Kong and London.